When we do upgrades, we audio geeks still tend to configure our sound to the best hertz and decibel we can get. Sometimes, even though we've upgraded to the best speakers or subwoofers, there is still room for small adjustments to achieve that perfect sound. This is where equalizers come in.
Equalizers are devices that lets you tweak your sound frequencies in different spectrum. When done right, it can improve your car sound and eliminate unwanted frequencies and customize your music. Equalizers come in different forms. It can be built in your head unit or receiver; or it can come as a separate in dash unit which can be classified as graphic, parametric or digital.
Graphic equalizers are the most common and can be used easily. It is makes use of sliders that represents the shape of the frequency you are trying to achieve hence the name. The sliders are used to cut or boost certain parts of the sound frequency whichever you desire.
Parametric equalizers is a little more complex than the graphic. It will allow you to adjust the width and center point of any frequency band. A parametric equalizer will also allow for Q adjustment (the quality of the curve of the band passed by the filter) of a frequency.
Digital equalizers offer the best of both worlds. From the graphical equalizer, it takes the ability of a user to see the adjustments made on the frequency. From parametric equalizers, it takes the ability to control the actual parameters of sound. The values are displayed on a screen digitally.
Onlinecarstereo offers various equalizers for your needs. Here are some of the best sellers:
AudioControl DQ-61: Audio Control produces the best EQ's in the industry and the DQ-61 is one of the best sellers. It is a 6 channel line out converter with equalization and signal delay that provide precise tuning. It also features AccuBASS with variable threshold and gain processes and corrects roll-off bass. You can also checkout other equalizer models from Audio Control at Onlinecasrtereo.

Cadence CEQ777: This equalizer from Cadence is a bang-for-the-buck equalizer that features simple 4 band parametric knobs.Cadence signal processors create clean, noise-free, high voltage signals while conserving valuable interior space and installation time.

JL Audio Fix-86: If you have the budget to spend, the JL Audio Fix-86 will give your state-of-the-art digital processing power. Unlike typical OEM interface products, the FiX™ 86 automatically corrects time-delayed factory outputs prior to signal summing and EQ correction. Calibration takes just a single button press and about 30 seconds to complete, with no special equipment needed.

Memphis Audio EQL7: In the mid tier equalizer product, the EQL7 boasts a 7-Band Graphic Equalizer that allows you to dial in your system for peak performance.

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