For car audio lovers, one gadget that can definitely level up your car sound is a crossover. It's a device that takes a sound signal and create 3 separate signals of high, mid and low range frequencies. These are fed through the corresponding subwoofer, speaker and tweeter of your vehicle.
Imagine a crossover as like a musical conduction who directs the orchestra on how music is played and how the notes on their instruments will sound. Without him, chaos will result and unpleasant noise is produced.
Rockford Fosgate is one ofht elleading innovators in car sound technology. The PP8-X is a crossover designed for use with 8 Ohms Punch Pro Midrange Drivers and Tweeters. One cool feature is a dual woofer output so you can use 2 midrange drivers and has a dedicated low pass filter for more clarity and crispness.

Another reputable brand is Audio Cotrol. They have the 2XS and 6XS for 2 channel adn 6 channel respectively. One unique feature of the Audio Control crossovers is the programmable and steep slope filtering trim frequency to minimize sound distortion and power waste which will result in a clear and solid sound. In addition, another advantage of Audio Control corossovers is that it is not brand dependent. You can practically pair any brand of subwoofers, speakers and tweeters to the 2XS and 6XS.

Do checkout our crossover catalog at Onlinecarstereo for other brands and you will also be able to compare features and price. We always strive to provide you the best prices online.
If you are in the SOCAL area, do visit us in our shops, PCH Custom Audio, in Long beach and Wilmington and let our crew provide you with car audio / video advice and service.